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Most recent Weekly Letter

2000 weekly Letters

Letter - 2001/03/05  - Letter- 2001/03/12 - Letter- 2001/03/19 - Letter- 2001/03/26 - Letter- 2001/04/18 - Letter- 2001/04/24 -

Letter- 2001/04/30 - Letter- 2001/05/14Letter- 2001/05/22 - Letter- 2001/06/05 - Letter- 2001/06/14 - Letter- 2001/06/26Letter- 2001/07/23Letter- 2001/09/24 -

Letter- 2001/10/29 -


Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/03/05

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- The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the
  archeops mailing, (soon) at

(for the moment, they are at

- Most recent news are always on

- Full detail on the following reports can be found (sometimes in
  French) at

- Summary of the 26/27th meeting can be found at

- D. Vibert, IAP : FTP Disk failure on Magique
The ftp is down. Repair is in progress. News on that soon. Do not delete your own archeops files. They may be needed.

- FX Desert, : failure of laptop hard disk : not really an excuse for delivering a late weekly letter.

- JC Hamilton, CdF
jupiter_crossings.txt : both Jupiter crossings on all bolometers
samplenum_gal_cross_KS1_230201.fits : Galaxy crossings in B545K02

- D. Yvon, CEA:  Star Catalog corrected for SST Spectral response for the January Kiruna Flight on Magique with the filename :

- D. Yvon, CEA:  List of candidates stars for the last January Kiruna Flight:

- FX Désert, K. Madet, E. Wakui et al.: Photometry February 2001, Archeops-Kiruna Ground-based vs. Fligth calibration:

- JC Hamilton: Figures for CNES report: soon on magique

- S. Henrot-Versillé: LAL activities
  . Cosmological parameters from Cl
  . Period of rotation from FSS
  . Analysis of magnetometer + pivot.

- SHV + JCH: Jupiter beam map-making
- J. Delabrouille: CdF activities
  . Work on flagging, magnetometer data
  . Figures for CNES report (soon on line)

- C. Renault: ISN activities
  . Work on fast telemetry (CR)
  . Polarisation (NP)
  . high frequency noise decorrelation (PF)

- We hope you like this new format for the weekly news


Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/03/12

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- The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

- Most recent news are always on

- Full detail on the following reports can be found at

- D. Vibert, IAP : site for FTP is now up with a few
week old backup. Please put in again your most recent work.

- B. Fouilleux & N. Ponthieu (8-13 March) are in Kiruna to load the
lorry with the gondola back to Grenoble (by Wednesday-Thursday).

- The technical paper is almost ready for the (hopefully) final resubmission to Astroparticle Physics, waiting for your final comments. It will be resubmitted by next Friday. See by ftp on magique:

- K. Madet: Update of
on CVS: contains now the cold and warm amplifier wiring.

- A. Benoit et al.: Report for the CNES

- C. Renault: ISN activities
  . High Frequency noise reduction algorithms and X-talk (PF)
  . Detection of stars (CR)

- S. Henrot-Versillé: LAL activities
  . X-talk (SHV)
  . First image of the in-flight focal plane (JCH+SHV) with Jupiter
  . New SOPHYA release (RA)

- JCH: CdF activities
  . Help for CNES report (AA)
  . Sky coverage note achieved (JCH+CR). The ps file in on magique :
  . Technical drawings concerning the modification of the calibration cryostat


Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/03/19

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- The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

- Most recent news are always on

- Full detail on the following reports can be found at

- The gondola arrived in Grenoble Wednesday 18:00. A big thank you to Nicolas Ponthieu and Bernard Fouilleux. Thursday was spent emptying the lorry and then dispatching the boxes, the gondola and other stuff back into the lab. Cryostat is open today.

- IAS: G. Lagache has prepared a set of routines for the calibration on the Galaxy.

- LAL, CEA, CRTBT: recognise the first stars after each Jupiter crossing in the D. Yvon's catalog.

- LAL, CDF: First focal plane map of the bolometers with Jupiter crossings, see the note on by JC Hamilton and S. Henrot-Versille

- ISN:

  • Preparation of the Data reduction workshop: 21 participants are registered: see

  • Work on high frequency noise decorrelation (PF)



    - CRTBT: Power point presentation of Archeops by Alain in French on:


    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/03/26

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    - The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

    - Full detail on the following reports can be found (sometimes in French) at

    - 3 solutions for pointing reconstruction have just been reached (CRTBT (A. Benoit), CEA (E. Aubourg), LAL (A. Bourrachot)) . More news this week. Already a first reconstruction (for FSS optical center) is available from Alain on magique for the whole flight (some editing and conversion to fits table will be done soon).

    - CEA: finding a differential GPS, map making

    - LAOG and ISN: A simple computation of Cl signal to noise curve for the last flight in
    (see hypotheses on CVS, Soft/Archeops/Labtools/LAOG/FXD/scr/KS1/cl_noise.scr)
    - Munchen colloquium (FXD) on magique (star impress5)

    - ISN: NP+PF: clean TOI  from high frequency noise

    - IAP: Didier Vibert has set up a CVS & html compatible way of managing documents. More on that this week.


    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/04/18

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    - The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

    - Full detail on the following reports can be found (sometimes in French) at

    - Complete report from JCH and SHV on pointing on Jupiter Archeops/Document/Note/BeamsFlightKS1/

    - The 3 solutions for pointing reconstruction (LAL, CEA, CRTBT) are converging. Currently, we use CRTBT in the data analysis (typically 5 arcmin global precision). A group (Alex. B., Eric A., JCH) should work on the intercomparison, improvements that can be made on all three methods (star detection, star catalog, pointing reconstruction, smoothing, use of gyros?).

    - The most current version of archtoi on CVS works correctly: new feature it can generate galactic longitude and latitude TOI directly

    - Note on responsivity model on

    - Ongoing work archtoi generation of version1 fits file on magique, and products (undersampled data and housekeeping), IDL and C++ pipeline work

    - No teleconference on Friday


    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/04/24

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    - The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

    - Full detail on the following reports can be found (sometimes in French) at

    - CRTBT: Karine M. and Alain B. work on refurbishing the cryostat : leaks seem to be repaired and gas flows are nominal. All flight bolometers and thermometers stay at their flight position. But they are blind to study IV curves and noise properties. The plan is to cool down the cryostat tomorrow.

    - LAL activities:  work on Stellar Sensor pointing reconstruction is near completion, work on optical cross-talk.
    Optical beam FWHM during flight seem very close to the expected ones (8 and 5 arcmin)!

    - version1 of all raw TOI from archtoi during the whole useful flight are available (thanks to Cecile R.) on (see below)

    - Reshuffling of the Kiruna_2001_01_29 data directory on
      Input_archtoi     ; contains input files (pointing solutions for example) for archtoi
      Raw_data          ; contains raw telemetry or recorder files
           Flight                 ; Ceiling raw data only (from samplenum 104000000 to 108465000)
                                       (holes are mostly repaired with ground TM)
           Recorder       ; whole recorder (unrepaired ark18.dat)
           Telemetry     ; ground based telemetry data
           Full_sampling  ; TOI directly produced by archtoi (see above)
           Housekeeping  ; undersampled data of all flight parameters
           Smooth             ; see below

    - Resampling TOI for low frequency signal+noise analysis: ongoing work between ISN, CRTBT and LAOG.

    - CMB Dipole computation routines by Alex. A. and J.D.


    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/04/30

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    - The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

    - CRTBT: The cryostat reached 77 mK during the weekend. All bolometers are working (as blind). Noise, R(T), I-V are being electrically measured.

    - Discussions between CNES and our Russian colleagues are in progress in order to fly beyond Ural Mountains next Winter.

    - Data analysis meeting on the 9th May at PCC. see

    - LAL activities:  Optical beam FWHM during flight seem very close to the expected ones (8 and 5 arcmin) see note :

    - version1 of all raw TOI from archtoi during the whole useful flight are available (thanks to Cecile R.) on

    - Now including pointing  Galactic longitude and latitudefor all bolometers from CRTBT solution (v7):

    - A first version of HF-clean data are here
    We suggest that 217K04 (eop 26) and 217K06 (eop 14) be used for the first map-making and Cl computing (average and difference maps). Preliminary calibration can be taken from Jupiter.

    - A first version of BF data (smooth data for the whole flight) are in:

    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/05/14

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    - The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

    - Conclusions of last meeting and working program for the weeks to come can be found at

    - Next meeting is scheduled in Grenoble for either Tuesday 19th or 26th of June. Unless we hear from you, the 26th is decided by the end of Wednesday.

    - CRTBT + LAL: Tests are prepared to measure optical cross-talks

    -QMW: Work on transmission of flight back-to-back horns. Bruno Maffei reports very different figures for horns coming from the same batch.

    - Technical paper is accepted in Astroparticle physics. Figures are put in black and white at the moment for the final version. Last minute modifications are still accepted before Wednesday 16th. Then we intend to put the paper on astroph. Please have a look at

    - The Executive Summary  will be updated with YOUR help. It will soon be used for CNES ad-hoc committee.

    - The pointing was not computed correctly by archtoi. This is now corrected in

    - Internal reports should be registered now via CVS in
    Figures and non CVS stuff used for any note should be put in one single directory via ftp on Archeops/Document/Note...

    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/05/22

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    - The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

    - Next meeting is now scheduled in ISN (Grenoble) for  Tuesday 19th of June.

    - Daniel Santos, visiting JPL for Planck related matter, will present (5 minute talk) Archeops at the special CMB session organised by A. Lange during the AAS annual meeting in Pasadena on the 6th of June.

    - Maps are done in various institutes: examples from X. Dupac (from clean TOI made by P. Filliatre) can be found of 2 217GHz bolometers + sum and difference:

    - CdF, CRTBT, ISN: work on high and low frequency systemactic noises.

    - Full detail on LAL activities can be found at

    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/06/05

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    - The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

    - Intense map making activities: at CdF (and IAP,) various merits of Madcap and MapCumba are evaluated, see full detail

    - Simple anafast computations were done on the average and difference between two bolometers (217K04 and 217K06) at IAP (OD, DV, FB, FXD). They yield too high a detection!
    (on CVS)

    - LAL & CRTBT: first (successful) measurements on Archeops of optical and electronic cross-talks using carbon fiber emitter in front of the back-to-back horns.

    - AB in Biarritz gave a talk on Archeops to CNES-ESA conference on balloons and rockets

    - Non-linearity correction report (FXD, KM, AB) and IDL implementation.

    - Meeting Friday 8th June in Gap, with CNES to study next Winter campaign details: Moon constraints give launching dates between 5 and 24th December 2001 and 4 and 22th January 2002.

    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/06/14

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    - Do not forget the next meeting is now scheduled in ISN (Grenoble) for  Tuesday 19th of June.

    - see some detail

    - Results from the meeting Friday 8th June in Gap, with CNES to study next Winter campaign details: Moon constraints give launching dates between 5 and 24th December 2001 and 4 and 22th January 2002.
    Start of the Kiruna campaign is on the 25th November 2001 (a Sunday!). Unloading the truck on Monday morning the 26th.

    - New improved HF decorrelated data on magique were done (PF) (these data have to be fully deglitched before use)

    - Smooth v3 version of the data (the Bolo_HFClean_v2 data are smoothed with a double smooth of 36 points and resampled  in Azimuth with 128 points per revolution), Firas data are included

    - On going work on low frequency systematics (AA, KM, AB)

    - On going Map making activities at IAP, CEA, CESR

    - Work on FSS reconstruction (LAL).

    - Technical paper in press in Astroparticle Physics was added to astroph:
    Full / html version on the archeops web page:

    - FXD in Toulouse (Conference to honour the memory of Guy Serra) or sdd.gz

    - The weekly letters are posted on the web, simultaneously to the archeops mailing

    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/06/26

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    - Last meeting (19th of June) saw many fruitful discussions : Do not forget your contribution to:

    - Next meeting: 7th September 2001 at CdF

    - Data Analysis workshop: tentative date (last week of September) 24-28 September 2001

    - Kiruna Archeops launch window: 5-21 December 2001 and 5-21 January 2002

    - Preliminary official calibration file (KM, AB) is on CVS

    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/07/23

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    - The technical Archeops Inmarsat campaign is planned from August 11st to 22nd 2001. This flight should test the high speed  Inmarsat telemetry. Follow its progress on:

    - The official web site for next scientific flight this Winter is open:

    - From C. Renault and A. Benoit, Pointing files were updated: ABv7 is improved due to SST vs FP position, ABv8 has 2 more iterations and is thus more accurate (but less than 2 percent of the points are more distant than 2 arcminutes from ABv7):

    - Sidelobe estimates (S Henrot-Versille & JC Hamilton) using ground based measurements on Gunn diode:

    - July 2001 Photometry report (update on sensitivities and bolometer characteristics):

    - Optical performances of the 10K back-to-back horns will be improved by B. Maffei by cleaning them (very positive test already done on the worst case).

    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/09/24

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    - Reminder: Next collaboration is on Thursday October 4th, 2001 at CRTBT 9h45-17h15

    - The cryostat is at 89 mK since this Friday  21st morning! All bolometers work properly. Calibrations with the cryostat only will go on from now till the next meeting .

    - 2K1BC paper to be modified till nex Friday: access to a preliminary version
    Send your comments to FXD

    - Pointing is at /
    See also explanations from CR at
    LAL pointing is almost ready

    - Intense flagging and pipeline clean TOI producing (PF, AA, FXD). More news soon.

    - Updated Kiruna planning see

    Weekly Archeops letter - 2001/10/29

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    - We would like to put next meeting on Thursday 22 November 2001 (instead of Wednesday 21). Can you send us an email if you disagree?

    - Last 2 1/2 weeks saw the cryostat cooled down to 80mK and mostly the telescope in many Neron pointings.  Results are being analysed.

    - The new pivot motor (away from the gondola) is working properly

    - This week and next week are dedicated to finishing baffling and other (important) software details

    - Beware about pointing files: we recommend use of ABv8 pointing with RA-DEC 2000 files only

    - Ongoing work of map making: results from D. Yvon and X. Dupac are on magique.
          Data/Exchange/domino/MapGalax24_10_2001 and Data/Exchange/CESR


    The main repository for the weekly letters is in CVS, in Archeops/Doc_source/Note/Weekly

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