Archeops Meeting
Tuesday January, 28th 2003
09:45 to 16h45
CRTBT Grenoble
Please send any comment to CR
! This list is certainly not exhaustive
Name | meeting |
R. Ansari | Y |
E. Aubourg | |
S. Bargot | Y |
J. Bartlett | Y |
A. Benoit | Y (matin) |
J.Ph. Bernard | Y |
A. Blanchard | N |
F. Bouchet | Y |
A. Bourrachot | Y |
JF. Cardoso | Y |
F. Couchot | Y |
P. De Bernardis | N |
J. Delabrouille | Y |
F.X. Desert | Y |
M. Douspis | Y |
P. Filliatre | Y |
P. Fosalba | Y |
K. Ganga | N |
M. Giard | N |
Y. Giraud-Heraud | Y |
J. Ch. Hamilton | Y |
S. Hanany | N |
S. Henrot-Versille | Y |
J. Kaplan | Y |
G. Lagache | N |
J. Macias-Perez | Y |
Ch. Magneville | Y |
S. Mei | |
F. Nati | N |
G. Patanchon | Y |
O. Perdereau | Y |
L. Perotto | Y |
M. Piat | Y |
S. Plaszczinsky | Y |
N. Ponthieu | Y |
S. Prunet | Y |
J.L. Puget | |
C. Renault | Y |
C. Rosset | Y |
D. Santos | Y |
R. Teyssier | N |
M. Tristram | Y |
D. Vibert | Y |
D. Yvon | |
Introduction: X DesertPolarisation - intercalibration : CRosset (20')
Polarisation - signal : NPonthieu (20')Comparison Acheops/Maxima : JCHamilton, PFilliatre (20')
Comparaison C-ell Archeops-Maxima : LPerotto (20')Conferences (including CMBnet Archeops presentations) : all
Papers: polarisation, IFP, Processing, Archeops/Maxima, 3K review for CRAS : all
13h Lunch
Glitch : DSantos (10')
Destriping : ABourrachot (20')
Cl status : MTristram (20')
C-ell computation by component separation : GPatanchon (20')Gamma_m : SHentot-Versille, OPerdereau (20')
Harmonic analysis : MPiat (20')MAP, Boomerang, Maxima news : all
2D Statistical tests to perform : all (non-gaussianity, Point Sources, SZ)