Archeops Meeting
Friday November, 29th 2002
09:15 to 16h45
train Grenoble-Paris depart
5h37, retour 17h34
Please send any comment to CR
! This list is certainly not exhaustive
Name | meeting |
R. Ansari | |
E. Aubourg | ~ |
S. Bargot | Y |
J. Bartlett | |
A. Benoit | Y |
J.Ph. Bernard | N |
A. Blanchard | Y |
F. Bouchet | Y |
A. Bourrachot | Y |
JF Cardoso | Y |
F. Couchot | Y |
P. De Bernardis | N |
J. Delabrouille | Y |
F.-X. Desert | Y |
M. Douspis | Y+2 guests |
X. Dupac | |
P. Filliatre | Y |
P. Fosalba | Y |
K. Ganga | N |
M. Giard | N |
Y. Giraud-Heraud | Y |
J. Ch. Hamilton | Y |
S. Hanany | Y |
S. Henrot-Versille | Y |
J. Kaplan | N |
G. Lagache | Y |
J. Macias-Perez | Y |
K. Madet | N |
Ch. Magneville | Y |
B. Mansoulier | Y |
S. Mei | Y |
F. Nati | N |
G. Patanchon | Y |
O. Perdereau | Y |
M. Piat | Y |
S. Plaszczinsky | Y |
N. Ponthieu | Y |
S. Prunet | Y |
J.-L. Puget | Y |
C. Renault | Y |
C. Rosset | Y |
D. Santos | N |
R. Teyssier | Y |
M. Tristram | Y |
D. Vibert | Y |
D. Yvon | Y |
Introduction, pipeline v4, task breakdown, papers,
steering committee : X Desert
Galactic calibration : G Lagache
Galactic studies : G Lagache, JP Bernard
Polarisation : N Ponthieu, C Rosset
13h Lunch
Beams & Time constant : M Tristram
C(l) and cirrus : M Piat
Maxima/Archeops : S Hanany
Interpolation and C(l) : F Couchot
Data sets comparison : J Delabrouille
Map-making with madcap : P Filliatre