Archeops 1999 Trapani Flight logbook v1-990818 v2-990819 - modify landing and add bolometer 2 problem v3-990906 - add Jupiter and Saturn UT is defined by on board Archeops GPS and is linked to block number with equation 1 by Gispert et al. note #1. UT is in decimal hours and starts at 0h on the 17th July 1999. UT=8.0609925+0.00011673636*block_number Local time is UT+2 or UT-22. UT(h) Event 8.06 The on-board computer is switched on (block number 0) i.e. MJD0 1376.8358818 (modified Julian Day= JD-2450000) 13.95 The gondola crosses the bridge on its way to the launch pad 14.10 Test of stellar sensor and GPS 16.75 Instrument is ready on the onboard batteries. Waiting for readiness with meteo man 17.00 Open the balloon box 17.23 Starts the on-board recorder. Block number 078690 17.40 Test of pivot 17.63 17.65 18.17 Start pumping He in balloon (gondola shakes the cryostat to >800mK) 18.48 ASI GPS plotted on 19.25 Stop He in balloon 19.37 Launch 19.57 pivot= direct+ to warm it up then stop 19.73 monitor stellar sensor (OK), gyros (OK), ch2-bolo4 has a funny noise, 4 other bolometers OK, ch2-bolo5 is out as before launch 20.00 GPS_ASI= 10km altitude. bolo4 is back. 572mK. Dinner time 21.00 GPS_ASI= 20km altitude. 21.00 GPS thermostat starts regulation 21.33 pivot: regul+ 12 0 24 16 --> gyroz positive 12deg/s 187mK (4000 Ohm) 4K 558 (Ohm) 1.6K 9850 10K 318, flow rates 8 and 24 umoles/s 21.78 Drop ballast --> +2mK on dilution Ge=133mK, p_haut=35mBar= p(from balloon)+11mBar (=offset p_haut), waiting for valve opening at 30mBar 21.92 Try to turn at 3rpm=18deg/s. 18 0 24 16. successful 21.97 Valve opens. Dil goes up to 135 mK (10130 Ohm). Hourrah. 10K 353 Ohm looking to empty space. Acquisition parameters (did not change during flight): plafond nominal, flash nominal, helium 400s 6.2 microsecond, 38 measures/ half-period, 8 dead-time, 156.2 kHz, 6.51 kHz, f_modulation=85.7 Hz, f_sampling= 171.326754 Hz (at the internal quartz clock precision) From GPS processing: f_sampling= 171.326226 (hence quartz is better than 6e-6) 22.00 GPS_ASI= 28.5km altitude. 22.35 Pivot regulation tuning. 12mBar is 22 for p_haut 22.42 Dac_I= 500 on all bolometers (1.132 nA). Paolo computes that pendulation is less than 1 arcmin, rotation is 18.00+-0.02 deg/s needs 2 Amp. 123.4 mK slowly decreasing. M-Christina says: in 20 min., 37 km altitude steadily increasing to 42 km by the morning. 22.62 Tune the electric transients on each detector (800) 22.70 Regulation on lHe bath starts at 0.9 bars (oscillations on several housekeeping parameters: flow rates and inside cryostat pressures, 10K and 4K stages... 23.00 GPS_ASI= 35.8km altitude. 23.02 Richard's quick look: Galaxy is detected on all bolos, 50ms lag between b4 and b6 (about as expected). 23.33 37.5km altitude 23.45 113mK Change currents Dac_I= 375 (0.849nA). Housekeeping status is Ge: 114.13 (16746 Ohm) 4K: 6.24 (630.22) 1.6K: 3.16 (11550) 10K: 11. (361.18) 3He: 11.6b, 7.94 um/s, 4.1b 4He: 29.4b, 24.00 um/s, 4.11b Valve= 41.3, charb=-0.1b, membrane=0.007b haut=0.014b Trp=7.6V Dil=16.7V/-16.6V Bebo=7.9V/17.0V/-16.2V Ch=25.7V Temp_haut=20.9deg 16.2 Base 14.3 188.9 Tube_He=-41.9deg Pile=7.5 Driver= 19 23.50 GPS_ASI= 38km altitude. Bolometers are not changed anymore (ie. start of clean data) 23.70 Dilution Temperature is stabilised 24.00 GPS_ASI= 39.2 km altitude. 24.40 40 km altitude 24.42 Channel1-bolometer2 is out. 24.50 GPS_ASI= 40.2km altitude. 25.00 GPS_ASI= 40.8km altitude. 25.50 GPS_ASI= 41.3km altitude. 26.00 GPS_ASI= 41.2km altitude. 26.50 GPS_ASI= 41.6km altitude. 26.50 An already erratic telemetry is now completely gone 26.85 Jupiter is seen on all detectors (samplenumber from 11570000 to 11595000) : Calibration source of 170 K, Dec=11deg, Angular diameters: 39.52 by 36.96 arcseonds. 27.55 Saturn is seen on all detectors (samplenumber from 10691000 to 10728000) : Calibration source of 150 K, Dec=14deg, Angular diameters: 17.37 by 15.50 arcseonds. 27.67 Switch of batteries (from 7 to 4) 28.00 Sunrise (as observed on the 10K stage) 29.00 Good morning: the balloon is North of Alger at 41 km altitude. 31.53 Valve closes due to the Sun. 33.00 Archeops in Spain, North of Almeria 36.32 Separation (loss of data up to 36.70) 37.38 Landing (15h20m on the 18th of July 1999 local time) : Fax from Jefe area operaciones (INTA CEDEA): "La Barquilla del Globo ARCHEOPS ha caldo en las proximidades de Granja de Torre Hermosa (Badajoz) a las 15:20 Horas Locales, y en las siguientes coordenadas: 38d20'N, 05d34'W " 37.41 loss of data up to 37.78 40.00 Recovery team arrives. 40.22 Cryostat is empty 40.68 On board recorder is full and stops at block 279543 There are 4h30m with stable instrument configuration and no Sun, of which 3h30m are above 40km altitude. There are 3h30 with the valve still open but with the Sun annoyance. 4 channels worked correctly until the valve closed. Alain Benoit and F.-Xavier Desert