Archeops Data Analysis Meeting
Monday 20th December 1999
9h30-17 hr
Salle 215, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

Participants to this meeting:

A. Amblard, PCC
R. Ansari, LAL
E. Aubourg, CEA
A. Benoit, CRTBT
F. Bouchet (our host), IAP
A. Bourrachot, LAL
F. Couchot, LAL
J. Delabrouille, PCC
F.X. Desert, LAOG
O. Dore, IAP
X. Dupac, CESR
P. Filliatre, ISN
K. Ganga, PCC
M. Giard, CESR
Y. Giraud-Heraud, PCC
L. Guglielmi, PCC
S. Henrot-Versille, LAL
J. Ch. Hamilton, PCC
J. Kaplan, PCC
F. Naraghi, ISN
F. Pajot, IAS
M. Piat, IAS
D. Santos, ISN
D. Yvon, CEA

Agenda (speaker and title)

L. Guglielmi: Kiruna 1999 tentative telecom test flight
E. Aubourg: Comments on the new Archtoi V3 release and FSS analysis
F. Couchot: Fast Stellar Sensor attitude reconstruction
P. Filliatre: Noise analysis - 2
J. Delabrouille: Data and Software repository
D. Yvon: TOI simulation tools
K. Ganga: FIRS intercalibration and techniques learnt from Boomerang data analysis
O. Dore: Calibration on the dipole
J.Ch. Hamilton: Calibration on the dipole and parasitic signals
X. Dupac: Optimal map reconstruction methods
M. Giard: map making tools
S. Henrot-Versille: First look at the data

Discussions on
  Ground-based Calibration for Kiruna flight
  Moriond 2000 presentation
  New distribution of tasks
      - Timeline processing
      - Map making
      - point source extraction
      - CMB extraction
      - Different methods of filtering
      - pendulation and the Boutonniere effect
      - Analyse correlation between gyros and FSS
      - Compare noise spectral density in flight vs. ground-based and Boomerang ones

Next Meeting in Grenoble on Friday the 11th February 2000

Best wishes