A. Amblard, PCC
R. Ansari, LAL
E. Aubourg, CEA
A. Benoit, CRTBT
F. Bouchet (our host), IAP
A. Bourrachot, LAL
F. Couchot, LAL
J. Delabrouille, PCC
F.X. Desert, LAOG
O. Dore, IAP
X. Dupac, CESR
P. Filliatre, ISN
K. Ganga, PCC
M. Giard, CESR
Y. Giraud-Heraud, PCC
L. Guglielmi, PCC
S. Henrot-Versille, LAL
J. Ch. Hamilton, PCC
J. Kaplan, PCC
F. Naraghi, ISN
F. Pajot, IAS
M. Piat, IAS
D. Santos, ISN
D. Yvon, CEA
Discussions on
Ground-based Calibration for Kiruna flight
Moriond 2000 presentation
New distribution of tasks
- Timeline processing
- Map making
- point source extraction
- CMB extraction
- Different methods of filtering
- pendulation and the Boutonniere effect
- Analyse correlation between gyros
and FSS
- Compare noise spectral density in
flight vs. ground-based and Boomerang ones