Archeops Data Analysis Meeting
Monday 25th September 2000
10-17 hr
Grande Salle du Conseil 1er etage
Institut des Sciences
Nucleaires Grenoble

Participants to this meeting (bold= likely)
P. Ade, QMW
A. Amblard, PCC
R. Ansari, LAL
E. Aubourg, CEA-SPP
J. Bartlett, OBSMP
A. Benoit, CRTBT
J-Ph Bernard, IAS
F. Bouchet, IAP
A. Bourrachot, LAL
Ph. Camus, CSNSM
F. Couchot, LAL
J. Delabrouille, PCC
F.X. Desert, LAOG
O. Dore, IAP
M. Douspis, OBSMP
X. Dupac, CESR
P. Filliatre, ISN
K. Ganga, PCC
M. Giard, CESR
Y. Giraud-Heraud, PCC
L. Guglielmi, PCC
S. Henrot-Versille, LAL
J. Ch. Hamilton, PCC
J. Kaplan, PCC
J.-M. Lamarre, IAS
K. Madet, CRTBT
B. Maffei, QMW
F. Naraghi , ISN
F. Nati, Roma
F. Pajot, IAS
M. Piat, IAS
N. Ponthieu, ISN
J.-L. Puget, IAS
I. Ristorcelli, CESR
M. Sacchetini LAOG
D. Santos (our host), ISN
R. Teyssier CEA-SAp
D. Yvon, CEA
D. Vibert, IAP
1 - Preparation of December 2000/ January 2001 Kiruna flights
A. Benoit & others: Status of hardware:
Gondola, FSS, cryostat, detectors,
cold optics,
electronics, on-board processor
and memory,
telemetry, CNES
D. Santos: Fast telemetry
D. Yvon & F. Nati: Analysis of Fast Stellar Sensor
data from Kiruna April 2000 flight.
N. Ponthieu & X. Desert: Status on Polarisation
2 - Archeops data analysis
S. Henrot-Versille: FSS pointing reconstruction
E. Aubourg: archtoi v3.3
E. Aubourg, S. Henrot-Versille, A. Amblard...: Parasitic
signals (high and low frequencies)
J. Delabrouille & X Desert: Pipeline V1
Tentative Setup of a working group for pipeline:
R. Ansari, E. Aubourg, J. Delabrouille,
C. Magneville, C. Renault, M. Sachettini, S. Versille, D. Vibert
D. Yvon: Simulation data
D. Yvon: Finding point sources in Trapani 1999 flight.
P. Filliatre & X. Dupac: Map-making
Discussion on: technical paper & conferences, a possible
report to Planck
J. Bartlett: More C_l determination
Next data reduction meeting
Last revision: 20/09/2000