Dimensions of Archeops Kiruna Experiment



Volume of the balloon: 400 000 m3
Size of the balloon: 100 m diameter
Height between gondola and lower part of the balloon: 125 m


Including crashpads.
Height: 3.40 m
Length: 4.50 m
Width : 3.60 m
Weight: 480 kg (without ballast)

Moment of Inertia

Assuming 2.7 g/cm3, 1.7 E8 unity3, 4.59169 E5 g
Barycenter is
0.179  0.094  1476.518
Principal moments (g.unity2)
0.590E12  0.5502E12  0.5198E12
Radius of principal rotation: (Rayons de giration principaux)
1003.387 (?)  1094.690  1063.943
Tensor of inertia
+0.5590E12  -0.5574E07  -0.1830E09
-0.5574E07  +0.5502E12  -0.6689E08
-0.1830E09  -0.6689E08  +0.5198E12
Cosinus directeurs repere principal
+0.999989    -0.0005995  -0.0046606
+0.0005995  +0.999997    -0.0046606
+0.0046606  +0.0021956  +0.999987